
I don't know what I'm gonna do in the beginning. It's not an itinerary. Sometimes I try to get out in front by forcefully seeing things. But that's always wrong. You can't discover what you already know. You can't see what doesn't exist yet. You can manufacture what you already know, but that's something else and that isn't the kind of thing that interests me. So a big part of it is winging it. Winging it with joy, trepidation, courage, humor, and pure why the fuck not.
What's best is to get your head right in the beginning, accurate as an assassin. Then do something. & respond to that honestly & deeply & with all the love you can muster. Over and over and over again till you're done 


Selected Solo Exhibitions:

2016 New Hope Arts Center, New Hope, PA: Whale Songs
2014 * Galerie Cerulean- Project Room, NYC, curated by Joe Walentini
     * Mark Gallery, NJ/NYC
2013 Art Around The Park, The Simon Gallery, Morristown NJ
2011 The New Hope Arts Center, New Hope, PA
2010 “Flying Colors”,  Riverrun Gallery, Lambertville NJ
     * PNC Bank, New Hope, PA
2008 The Frame Shop Gallery, Lambertville NJ 

Selected Group Shows

2024  "In Spring": VB Contemporary,curated by Vian Borchert
2023  30-year/Re-opening celebration invitational: New Hope Arts Center
2022  Creative Continuum: New Hope Arts Center, New Hope, PA
​2019  Elle Décor showroom in NYC
2018  High Color & Raw Emotions, Mark Gallery, NYC (LES)
2017  * Holiday House NYC w/Elizabeth Sadoff, NYC
      * Assemblage & Collage Invitational Exhibition at New Hope Arts
2015: * Affordable Art Fair, Muriel Guepin Gallery, NYC
      * "Ten Days In June", Robert Szot & Lee Kaloidis @ Muriel Guepin Gallery, NYC
2013: * Abstraction Revisited: The New Hope Arts Center, New Hope, PA
      * Abstractions: Mark Gallery, Englewood, NJ/NYC
     * The Estate, Bill Lowe Gallery, Atlanta GA
     * Mandarin Oriental, Bill Lowe Gallery, Atlanta, GA
2012 Atelier Gary Lee, Merchandise Mart, Chicago
2011 New Hope Film Festival, New Hope Arts Center, PA
2010 Sculpture New Hope, New Hope Arts Center, PA
2009 Hoyt Institute of Fine Arts, PA, Virginia Mecklenberg, Curator     Painting/Sculpture Smithsonian

Selected Bibliography:

      * Documentary film is made in the studio to accompany Norwegian Holding's     collection of paintings/prints 
      * Feature in Elle Decor
      * Feature in Interiors Magazine
2015 * Arte Fuse Magazine, "10 Days In June"
     * ArtForum: "10 Day In June" 
     * NYSpaces, "10 Days In June"
     * Emmanuel Chaussade blog
     * Catmota.com
     * Artburgac.blogspot
2014 * MutantArtSpace.com
     * Pinturaabstractacontemporanea.blogspot
2013 Star Ledger, Art Around The Park
2011 * “Notes From The Expressionist Frontier: In Lee Kaloidis‘ New Hope Studio,
      Abstraction Reigns In The Heart Of Landscape County”, Gwen Shrift, 
      The Intelligencer & Courier Times  
      * Catalogue for “Lee Kaloidis: Highlights Of The 22x30-inch Oil On Paper
      Series” at New Hope Arts Center - Carol Cruickshanks’ Essay/Introduction,
      NHA Director
      * Michener Museum’s database of significant Bucks County Artists
      * Azurebumble: Aesthetic Investigations
      * Video Interview by Gwen Shrift for Lee Kaloidis Painting Studio & Gallery
2010 Bucks County Life review of “Flying Colors”
     “For Lee Kaloidis Paintings Must Swing”, Diana Cercone, Bucks County Herald
     * Video Segment for Pakistani TV, “On Balance”
     * Catalogue for “Flying Colors: New Work by Lee Kaloidis”
2009 Treffinger Daily, “Art & Meaning” Project
2008 Downtown LA Life Magazine, International Edition
2008 Founded the art discussion group "Thinking About Art" on Flickr

Selected Collections:

Norwegian Holdings 50+ paintings, multiple prints: (Frank Del Rio, CEO; Sarah Hall Smith, Art Director)
Novartis 12 paintings
Steven G (Designer) (7 paintings)
Tihany Design for Tse Fung, St. Petersburg, Russia (3 paintings)
Gary Lee: Gary Lee Partners, Atelier Gary Lee, Chai Ming Studios, Chicago
Savel Inc., NYC
Exhibit Planners, PA - multiple pieces
Doreen A. Wright & Robert Beck - multiple pieces
Pat & Alex Gorsky, CEO J&J - multiple pieces
Terrence & Lee Karpowicz - multiple pieces
Carol Cruickshanks, PhD, Art Historian, Lecturer, Director New Hope Arts Center - multiple pieces
(more names upon request)

University Education:

1979-1982  Brooklyn College, English Literature
1978 The New School for Social Research, Poetry with William Packard, NYC 
1973-1975 University of Miami School of Music, Jazz Studies

Trumpet: Angelo Tulemello - Principle Euphonium w/Boston Symphony, Vinnie Tanno - jazz trumpet w/ Stan Kenton, Bob McCoy - NYC studios, Jerry Callet - Super Chops, Michael Disibio - jazz with Lennie Tristano 

Selected Poetry Publication:  

Unbroken Journal
Ink In Thirds
Strange Poetry
Orbis, Special American Poetry Edition, UK
The Little Magazine, SUNY (State University of New York)
Painted Bride Quarterly, Philadelphia
The Howling Mantra, WI
Asylum Annual, Greg Boyd Editor, Bay Area, CA

Artist Statements/CV

My paintings are a direct byproduct of intense involvement with improvisational music and free-verse poetic composition. They are about expressive freedom, dramatic and evolutionary movement, balance and integrity/synthesis, and ultimately about natural order. What drives movement is tension. I like to think of my paintings as places where the most divergent and unexpected things collide, converging at just the right time into articulate realizations of new compositional possibilities.


My paintings have narratives
that are wound throughout
the compositions

the compositions are easy to see
but the narratives are hard to read
because they are mythical
in nature 
and real
but altered